Medidata Rave Clinical Views Overview | Medidata Solutions (2024)





The purpose of the clinical views feature in Rave is to provide users with a
method to brows up-to-date subject data entered into Rave through a simple, tabular format.

This elearning course will allow the users to learn about accessing, configuring, scheduling, and extracting clinical views.

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Course Type



15 min




Classic Rave, Rave EDC

Training Alerts

December 4, 2023

November 2023 Medidata Global Education Monthly Course Digest

How To Register

Select the date and location to proceed to the registration and payment form.

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Medidata Rave Clinical Views Overview | Medidata Solutions (2024)


What are clinical views in Rave? ›

The purpose of the clinical views feature in Rave is to provide users with a. method to brows up-to-date subject data entered into Rave through a simple, tabular format.

How do I extract data from Medidata Rave? ›

With Medidata Rave EDC, data is as easy to get out as it is to get in—via standard on-demand data extract tools such as ODM Adapter and SAS on Demand, via ad hoc reports using JReview or BusinessObjects (which are included with Rave EDC, or via numerous standard reports.

How would you access audit history on a field in Rave EDC? ›

It displays specific edits made to a field along with the users who made those changes and the associated timestamps. Each data point has its own audit history which can be seen by clicking on the gear icon to the right of the field and selecting Audit History.

How does Medidata Rave work? ›

The Medidata Rave Clinical CloudTM is the cutting-edge platform that transforms the clinical trial experience for patients, sponsors, CROs, and research sites. Designed with a unified data platform, the Rave Clinical Cloud creates a single source of truth for all study-related data.

What is rave in clinical trials? ›

Rave is the standard electronic data capture system for all network groups in the NCI National Clinical Trials Network. These groups include the Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology, Children's Oncology Group, ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group, NRG Oncology, and SWOG.

What is non conformant data in rave? ›

In Rave, data marked as non-conformant is con- sidered blank, and as a result, queries may appear indicating that required fields cannot be left blank. We recommend that you address non-conformant data first, then see if the query disappears.

What is grid view in Medidata? ›

The Participant Grid View: – Displays participant folders and forms in a grid format. – Provides the status of specific forms.

What is frozen data in Medidata? ›

You cannot make any changes to frozen data or add comments, although you can still create SDVs, DCRs and Notes. Frozen data is indicated by the freeze icon on an eForm and in the schedule, and also by green text in the Data Browser.

What do Medidata solutions do? ›

Medidata offers a cloud-based platform for clients to build their own clinical trials and perform medical research. On the platform, physicians and scientists can collect and share clinical trial data.

What is the difference between field history and field audit trail? ›

With Field Audit Trail, you can track up to 60 fields per object, and Salesforce retains archived field history data until you delete it. You can delete data that falls outside of your policy window. Without Field Audit Trail, you can track only up to 20 fields per object.

Who enters data in EDC? ›

Nurses or other designated study “coordinators” employed by the site will typically be tasked with entering data into the study's EDC system. The site's Investigator—the physician in charge of the patient's care and patient's data–is responsible for reviewing and electronically signing the data.

How much does rave cost for Medidata? ›

Fee: Rave Certified Study Builder Exam Prep Course – $250 (USD) per person. Rave Study Design and Build Essentials: Data Managers – $1,500 per person. Rave Study Design and Build Essentials: Data Validations – $1,000 per person.

Who owns Medidata rave? ›

What is the purpose of rave reporter? ›

Rave Reporter is a Rave module which where users can access clinical data reports stored in the Rave database.

How does rave work? ›

The Rave app enables you to watch movies together with friends, while talking and texting. How much does Rave cost? Rave is free! While users can purchase Rave Premium for an ad-free experience, the Rave app is free on all platforms, including iOS, Android, Microsoft Windows, and Mac.

How to run a report on rave? ›

After logging into Rave, navigate to the relevant study and select its Rave Modules link. This will direct the user to the Rave Modules Home screen. Select Reporterin the Installed Modules bar to the left of the screen. The My Reports tab will then open.

What is a data listing? ›

“Data listings are datasets in which each record is a series of observations collected for. each subject during a study or for each subject for each visit during the study organized. by domain. “


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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.